Tag Archives: rabbit

The Circle of Life

On the first day of summer I photographed a bunny at the bottom of my field before it ran into the shrubs and raspberry bushes.

Bunny I had good intentions of loving.

I left the area for five minutes or so to get my tripod and walk back up with my parents.

When we walked back up to the area, my dad spotted a hawk crouched in the mowed field.

The hawk hiding something beneath it.

I immediately thought, “The bunny!”

I walked back over to the area, without phasing the hawk one bit.

Then, it bent it’s head down taking a tear out of the sweet little bunny!

It spread it's wings.


Took flight

And carried the bunny away.

Bunny hair.

I couldn’t help but feel that it was my fault the bunny got eaten.

But then again, I couldn’t have intervened. That, in itself, is disrespectful to nature.

Time and time again, growing up with animals, it’s just part of nature and the “circle of life.”

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